A Faithful Team
In October, I had the privilege of visiting Zambia for the first time and seeing in person the work done there to help at-risk children and orphans. There are several things that impressed me during that almost two-week visit. At the top of the list are the members of the Zambia Mission Project Board in Zambia. A ministry will rarely surpass its leaders. Given what I saw, I believe the orphan care ministry there should do well.
The board in Zambia reminds me of Paul’s words to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:2, where he instructs Timothy on the kind of people he ought to look for as ministry partners and those in whom to invest. He says they should be “faithful persons who shall be able to teach others.”
Every one of the team members fits this description. Each one has planted a church, each is either currently pastoring a church or in the case of one teaching and providing leadership at a Christian university. Each one has a family. Each one is heavily investing in and equipping others for ministry. And, on top of all this, each one of them takes significant time out of their busy schedules to care for orphans.
Once a month they travel to the village being served by the Zambia Mission Project orphan care center. And this is no small thing. One travels overnight to get there, two travel 3-4 hours, and two have to travel a couple hours.
I saw firsthand their ministry to over forty children during one such visit. They brought food, clothing, and teaching from the Bible. The looks on the faces of the children were priceless!
The vision that the ZMP board has there is to plant a church that will not only bring the gospel to the children and others in the village but will be at the center of economic development in the area and care for children. Their vision also is to have a self-sustaining ministry that is able to multiply and to reach more and more children.
I came away more enthused and committed than ever to serving with the ZMP board here in the United States as we seek to come alongside the team in Zambia to make an eternal difference in the lives of children. Given the team I met, I expect God to do great things!
Joyfully Serving the ZMP US Board,
Tom Barnes

Hello Tom,
I am in the early stages of exploring mission opportunities for a church group of 10-15 folks from Texas in Octobers this year. Our interests and skills lie in the construction (repairs, updates) and light medical areas. Since you recently visited, I wondered if you are intimately familiar with an on the ground contact willing to accept and guide us in working a project(s).
I am happy to see images from your most recent visit.
Thank you.
Ken Nelson