Plans for our first orphan care home
We are excited to announce the plans for building our first orphan care home in Zambia. This will not be an orphanage but more like a foster care home. The orphans that will live here will be cared for by a parenting couple.
Our Zambian board chairman, Sandwell Zgambo shared the following with us:
“The plan is to have at least 8 orphans in the house and a family to stay with them. The children would use four bedrooms and the family would use two bedrooms from other side. This will be game changer for the community in which they are currently domiciled. The vulnerable children would have a place to call home and sleep without worrying about the rains coming in the house at midnight. Or about the provision of food for the next day. God is good. Thank you to the USA board for making it possible for us to start working on this.”
The site for construction has been selected and clearing of the land will begin on Jan 30. Construction of the home is scheduled to begin by the end of February. According to Sandwell, “The total cost estimate is $24 000, this includes paying the contractor for building the walls of the house, building materials, roofing sheets, timber, doors and windows, and transportation for building materials.”