Monthly Support Pledge Drive
Dear Friends and Supporters,
We are in need of your help as we have hired a caretaker to oversee and begin to develop agriculture on our property in Zambia. His name is Active and he and his beautiful family have begun to help us develop the land for agriculture. This is a big move forward for us toward the establishment of our eagerly anticipated Orphan Care Center.
We need to raise $600 per month (Annual Support of $7200) to support Active and move forward the development of the land for setting up the Center.
Would you please consider pledging to give just $10 per month for the next year (That’s just about 33 cents per day) to help us pay our caretaker as he and his family continue to work on the Center project. If you can’t do this, please, consider giving a onetime gift to support the Center.
If you are able and willing to help us financially, please, Go Online to set up a Recurring or One-time gift at:

https://faithlife.com/zmp-c/give (fill out online)
If you would prefer, you could download and fill out this Form

and send it to us, via one of the following ways:
- Mail: ZMP; 441 West Lexington St; Minden, NE 68959
- Email: info@zambianmissionproject.org
- Text: 308-627-8147
We are deeply grateful for any support you can give to this Pledge Drive and pray that God will richly bless you for your generosity.