May 2024
In May 2024, the US ZMP board voted to send a special relief gift to our Zambian board and the ZMP Orphan Care Center. This was in response to a terrible drought that has gripped Zambia and is leading toward famine. We received a report from the board in regards to that gift along with a couple of letters of thanks from the board members and their churches who were impacted by the gift.
Report from May 27, 2024
Report Submitted on 27th May 2024
We send our warm and deepest gratitude to the Zambia Mission Project board members and other
ministry partners in the USA for quick response to the challenges and the drought that has affected
most parts of our country(Zambia).This drought is the waste hit in the history of Zambia not only
crops are affected,but also our water bodies that depends on water for generation of
electricity,irrigation purposes and water supply system to the household level and communities
both in urban and rural parts of our country Zambia. The Nation of Zambia comprises of 10
provinces,116 districts,156 constituencies with about a population of 20,000,000 plus people. Out
of 116 districts, 84 districts are the most affected and in dire need of food relief.
On 4th May,2024 The Zambia Mission Project Board Members comprised Sandwell Zgambo,
lsaac Muswala,Lukas Simuyemba,lsaac Mwanza and Dickson Muchulu.We went to the
Orphanage Center with blessings/gifts we had bought for them, especially mealie meal, which is
our staple food, and others,and each child received a 25kg bag of mealie meal. We were able to
distribute about 45 bags of mealie meal to our children. A total number of 48 children were in
attendance and 16 caretakers/guardians. Children and guardians welcomed us by singing songs to
appreciate our coming and sharing their joys and excitement to thank God for providing food. We
had a wonderful time together in the Lord singing of songs, preaching of his word by Pastor Isaac
Mwanza urging us all to depend on God as our protector and provider as we face these challenges
of drought in our country. We also had a fellowship meal together, where we ate with children and
guardians and Zambia Mission Project Board Members.
Blessings Banda, a grade 9 student in our program, gave a vote of thanks to God, the board
members in Zambia, and the USA board and ministry partners for the continued support and the
blessings/gifts they have been receiving since they were recruited into the program.
Guardians/caretakers also expressed their gratitude to God Almighty and the Zambia Mission
Project and Ministry partners for providing relief food for them and their children.
Last but not least, as board members and our families in Zambia, we are equally thankful to God
for making the way and the board in the USA and ministry partners for your quick response in
raising money to cushion our budgets and provide food relief for the children and their families.
We are also largely affected by the drought, so we ask for your prayers over our nation, our leaders,
and the board in Zambia. We appreciate this gesture as we all received the $500 allocated to each
board member and the money allocated to help the Church members buy food for their families.
Your kindness speaks volumes, and we cannot thank you enough for your love and care shown
towards us.
Yours in Faith,
Dickson Muchulu,
Board Secretary.
Letters of Thanks